Different Dancing Steps Associated With “MASKANDI MUSIC” Performances


Different Dancing Steps Associated With “MASKANDI MUSIC” Performances

Maskandi genre is famous in south africa country. it combines with ZULU music norms and traditions. Maskandi music is more lively in south Africa and beyond. This nature of music has inspired people in south africa and also beyond too. Maskandi genre has different steps which fans dance while listening.

Here are different dancing steps for Maskandi genre

  1. The Indlamu dancing step:This is the most famous dancing step for Maskandi genre. It is popularly recognized. In this dancing step, the people performing dress in ZULU attire respecting tradition. This attires includes animal skins and headdresses. During the process of dancing, performers usually Jump, kick, stomps in hand with their way of singing and chanting making it more interesting to watch. This dancing step is generally performed by men with strong ability and body building strength.

2. The Isibhaca dancing step: This is another kind of dancing step performed while listening to maskandi music. It involves the ability to leap, clap and stomp during singing in different ways and manner. This method of dancing is often performed by men. This dancing step really requires a lot of energy and strength in the mist of ZULU people.

3. The Sontas dancing step:This is another dancing step to Maskandi music. This kind of step is done by clapping, shaking, and swaying. This kind of dancing step is often used for ceremonial purposes such as wedding, friend’s party, to entertain family and friends. It is use to honor celebrations.

4. The Imihubo dancing step:The is another dancing step involved while listening to maskandi genre. It involves the method of stomping, high kicks, and rhythmic clapping. This dancing step requires adequate physical strength like warrior strength. This song respects and celebrates ZULU culture.

5. The Ushameni dancing step:This is another dancing people enjoy while listening to maskandi songs.This dancing step involves footwork and rapid shoulder movements. This dancing step is often used to celebrate victory over enemies by the ZULU people.

6. The Ukuguqa dancing step:This is another wonderful dancing step enjoyed while dancing to maskandi music by the ZULU people. This amazing dancing step requires stomping, kicking, and hand movements while singing and listening. This dancing step is generally performed by men and women as they tend to use it to honor their ancestral spirit and legends in ZULU society.

7. The Umzansi dancing step:This dancing is another unique dancing step enjoyed by fans and the ZULU people which listening and singing Maskandi songs. This dancing step involves combination of footwork, hip movements, and hand gestures which requires faced-paced and energetic movement during display as it celebrates the grace of ZULU women. During the dance, a line is formed or a circle which is amazing and interesting to watch. it is mostly performed by women/female as it tends to celebrate the beauty of ZULU women.

This dancing steps are more than you think as it celebrates ZULU culture in generation honoring their traditions, customs, norms and value.

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