Check out Maskandi playlist Mix by Sihle Mthembu

Check out Maskandi playlist Mix by Sihle Mthembu

Check out Maskandi playlist Mix by Sihle Mthembu

This maskandi mix is like an artical writing which the artist use to pass informanation of what happen in maskandi saying that he saw them, the one on red doeks to finish them up in their home town and the people where struggling to run. Their grandmother tell them about it at some time and the normally singing and banging look for blood to thirst and be satisfied.

The have meet his father before he was born and stabbed him to death that make not have a father today and i have his because he didnot look like a stranger blood is strong.

He go on saying there is a door which no body open or go close to because of what is inside and no body goes in to the room for anything. Today the door has change colour to brown and can see those words written on it. it look like cave painting that we know talk of today.

Maskandi playlist Mix Can make up your because their music is always good to listen and enjoy. south africa maskandi artist believe maskandi song will go round the world some day.

Makhadzi also like maskandi music she has said in her interview that soon or late she will be dropping maskandi type of song bacause south africa today are vibing the music.

list of maskandi music

S’kushaya Isdakwa



Ikhaya Lami



Umuntu Onengane

Wangisiza Baba

Khula Tshitshi Lami 2000

These are the hit song today when aver you listen to it, it like a today song maskandi artist dnt play which producing a hit song.

In conclusion

Maskandi playlist song are very good and sweet song to listen is making to be known to the world of what will happen soon in world. The world of maskandi is coming soon

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