SHUMI LENSIZWA is one of the amazing and talented south african born maskandi artist. He was born and lived in Mhlabuyalingana, a rural community in KwaZulu-Natal’s north. He is well-known and has established himself in the music business. His greatest strength in maskandi music has been his tenacity. As a South African, he has always been drawn to and inspired by Maskandi culture and tradition.
He started aspiring to be a musician at a very tender age and equally made it through. He has siblings, was raised mostly there by his father from a young age, and both of his parents are still alive. He developed a reputation for himself in the music industry since he was a lifelong fan lover of Maskandi music.
SHUMI is a very driven and concentrated artist that works hard and puts in extra time when necessary to improve the quality of his work. As a child, he was a great fan of Maskandi music and its customs and traditions, and he now has thousands of fans on social media.
SHUMI is educated and he went to high school and graduated. He loves a private lifestyle and also maintains keeping his life personal. He consistently gestured the importance of education. He advised his followers to set goals and aspirations for themselves. He enjoyed them purchasing their music albums and songs and interacting with him on Facebook. He said that the majority of his fans lack even the matriculation, driver’s license, employment, or student numbers necessary to support themselves.
SHUMI has a devoted following both inside and outside of South Africa because to his ability to deftly combine traditional African music with modern rhythms. SHUMI is unquestionably one of the most engaging African artists of our day because of his distinct style and expressive vocabulary.
He have been making waves and releasing amazing albums over the years. SHUMI keeps pushing the limits of African and other African music with each new album they put out, developing a distinctive sound of their own. Fans of the musician and the genre will undoubtedly be pleased with this newly released album and eagerly await SHUMI future endeavors.